Charlie Manthorp is a Ceramic Artist currently living in London. Educated at Manchester School of Art and Goldsmiths College, London, he now creates hand thrown pottery which bestrides the boundaries of functional and gallery based ceramics.
Working within the intangible spaces, gnawed out by our societies’ fading spiritual beliefs, Charlie is inspired by tradition and ceremony. Within this context, he is developing a new Corpo-Spiritual landscape of ceramic objects.
Charlie is currently working on a series of functional, contemporary communal drinking vessels. He is exploring the ancient practice of communal drinking during religious ceremonies alongside the social intimacy of shared food and drink today.
As the Artist in Residence at Marylebone Boys’ School, Charlie allows his craft and his practice, based on nomadic participation to feed one another. This culminates in curated happenings during which participants can explore and use his ceramic objects.
Charlie specialises in the production of Stoneware pottery and throws most of his forms in Potclays White Special Stoneware 157-1142.
Items by this artist