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by Bert Jones

Bert Jones' pots range from simple functional tableware for daily use at home, to one off sculptural pieces for gallery settings and interior interventions. All of his work is made on the potter's wheel, the tool at the centre of his practice and ethos.

Bert is currently a Doctoral Research Associate at Cardiff School of Art and Design, undertaking practice led PhD research that explores fine arts relationship with functional objects and pottery as a form of abstract sculpture. Bert graduated from CSAD’s Artist Designer: Maker program in 2018 and from their Master of Research in Art & Design program in 2019. Making functional pots and one off artefacts remains at the centre of his practice and research as he strives to be a better crafts-person and learn more about the art form that his life revolves around.

"Potclays' clay bodies deliver on every front within my practice. The reliability and durability of the clays as I work them is fantastic, along with their performance once they've come out of the kiln. Alongside that it was the depth and character of their stoneware bodies that really drew me in. Working with quite simple glaze and surface approaches in the gas kiln means that the clay body really comes to the fore. Reduction firing puts the clay bodies in the spot light and i've found so much richness and identity in Potclays offering, it's really nourished and lifted my practice. Making simple pieces with a very particular aesthetic goal in mind, the character and quality of the materials that I've chosen is so important. I'm really grateful for the material technology and artistic voice that Potclays have facilitated for me, and I can't wait to see where things go as I continue to experiment with their clays and develop my practice."

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