Chrisoula Konstantakou

Chrisoula is fascinated with the material of clay because it is the one constant while technologies continue to develop and push designs and methods in ceramic making forward. Her body of work illustrates how 2D laser technology can be integrated into contemporary studio ceramics by contrasting the handmade lines of vessel forms to the precision of the digital tool on the vessel surface. Her research into this new tool allows her to play with textures and tones of colour on terra cotta clay. The vessels reference the modern urban architecture of her birthplace Canada while the material and surface patterns bring into focus her Greek heritage. There is a mixture of cylindrical forms, patterns, textures and terra colours. This body of work is a celebration of the vessel and the language of material and process just as an urban space should celebrate its diversity in its architecture and its people.
Chrisoula presently lives and works in Cardiff, Wales. She received her distinction in MA Ceramics from Cardiff Metropolitan University's School of Art & Design. Her studio is presently at Fireworks Clay Studios where she is doing her one year graduate residency.
"This terracotta is a lovely smooth basic body of clay that allows a wide range of tones of red on surface when the 2D laser is applied. I hope to use and develop more colour tones of terracotta with other Potclays' red terracottas range during my residency this year. Current body of work consists of wheel thrown vessels with red or white terra sigillata on the surface. A 2D laser cutter is used on the surfaces of the vessels. My terracotta vessels are my building blocks to create my cityscape that represent the conversations between self and place."
Chrisoula Konstantakou MA (@ckeramics)
email: ckeramics@yahoo.com