Kate Haywood
‘Haywood’s sculptural works may appear strangely familiar. You may sense the form of a horn drinking cup; a colour palette resonant of Elizabethan tapestries; the ancient games of India and the Orient as if still in play. The walls and surfaces upon which her work is placed reverberate with the shadows of human things - from everyday life, amusement or ceremony. It is as if their maker has travelled through time at lightning speed, shifting shape from West to East; staining her skin with these traces, writing her objects in their language.
Haywood thinks through materials. Her objects are made at the edge of her consciousness, in the hazy place where fiction and truth collide. A place where knowledge must be lost to be found; where words are inadequate and meaning is best conveyed in material form. Here, faint silhouettes gradually sharpen through her making process. An overlaying of artefact, material, people, time and place; forming the fictional things that are in their own turn, true.’
Text by Sharon Blakey