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Kia Ora Cowley!

Posted on - 6th August 2024

We’re delighted to announce that Potclays has been appointed the official authorised importer/distributor for the Cowley Double Drive Potter’s Wheel. Our first shipment of Cowley wheels in the new colourway has arrived, safe and sound.

The Cowley Double Drive Potter’s Wheel has been in production since the early 1970’s and has garnered an excellent reputation with potters and teachers alike. Designed and manufactured in New Zealand by Lyle Cowley and his team, the Double-Drive is a cone-driven wheel with exceptional torque - particularly important for large-scale throwing.

The Cowley features a built-in comfortable padded seat, 280mm (11 inch) wheelhead, and hand lever option attached to the pedal. It will handle up to 20kg of clay comfortably. The foot pedal is designed so that the selected speed is maintained without having to keep pressure on the pedal. The compact size of the Cowley (approx. 26kg in weight) enables it to be readily moved from place to place for demonstrations, classes etc.

Your new Cowley will need a small amount of self-assembly when it arrives. This enables us to keep the cost of delivery to a minimum.

Read more here>

Also now in stock, the Cowley Extruder Package!

Read more here>


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