Potclays Graduate Awards 2020
Posted on - 10th September 2020

2020 marks our sixth year of awards. It has been an extremely difficult time for colleges and universities and consequently many students have not been able to complete their course. As a result our list of awards is somewhat shorter than in previous years. Winners are selected by each institution's course leader for demonstrating exceptional skill, concept and a thorough understanding of the material.
This year's Potclays Graduate Award winners are:
AMY JACKSON | BA Hons Designer Maker | Staffordshire University
NATHAN BARNARD | BA Hons Ceramics | Cardiff School of Art & Design
ANNIE CROWE | BA Hons Three Dimensional Design | Manchester School of Art
ALICE GARBETT | Fine Art Part C | Loughborough School of Art
SAFFRON SUMMERFIELD | BA Hons Contemporary Art | Bath Spa University
Please read our Q&A's with the winners, published here.