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Potclays Earthenware Glazes

See our Technical Information Sheet "Safe Handling of Powdered Ceramic Materials" A range of quality powdered earthenware glazes. Glazes marked (LS) contain a low-solubility lead frit. For ware … Read more

Showing 1 to 12 of 15 (2 Pages)
Cobalt Blue 980-1060C

Cobalt Blue 980-1060C

Potclays Clays 2317-03 - In stock
£14.56 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £12.13 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Emerald Green 1020-1120C

Emerald Green 1020-1120C

2309-01 - In stock
£9.41 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £7.84 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Grey-Blue Earthenware 1060-1140C

Grey-Blue Earthenware 1060-1140C

Potclays Materials 2290 - In stock
£8.99 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £7.49 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Honey 950-1110C

Honey 950-1110C

Potclays Materials 2307M - In stock
£10.92 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £9.10 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Mirror Black 1040-1110C (L.S.)

Mirror Black 1040-1110C (L.S.)

Potclays Materials 2315MA - In stock
£11.30 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £9.42 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Pastel Green 1020-1100C (L.S.)

Pastel Green 1020-1100C (L.S.)

Potclays Materials 2311 - In stock
£13.43 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £11.19 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Transparent Blue 1020-1120C

Transparent Blue 1020-1120C

Potclays Colours 2308M - In stock
£14.47 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £12.06 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Transparent Green 1020-1120C

Transparent Green 1020-1120C

Potclays Materials 2309 - In stock
£9.41 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £7.84 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Victorian Burgundy 1020-1110C (L.S.)

Victorian Burgundy 1020-1110C (L.S.)

Potclays Colours 2304 - In stock
£20.16 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £16.80 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Yellow Glossy 950-1050C

Yellow Glossy 950-1050C

Potclays Materials 2306M - In stock
£11.87 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £9.89 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Apollo 1020-1090c (L.S.)

Apollo 1020-1090c (L.S.)

2337 - In stock
£18.72 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £15.60 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)
Black Matt 1020-1100C

Black Matt 1020-1100C

Potclays Materials 2312 - In stock
£14.75 per 0.5kgs (Inc. VAT) £12.29 per 0.5kgs (Exc. VAT)

Potclays Earthenware Glazes

See our Technical Information Sheet "Safe Handling of Powdered Ceramic Materials"

A range of quality powdered earthenware glazes. Glazes marked (LS) contain a low-solubility lead frit. For ware in contact with food or drink we would recommend using glazes marked (L) which denotes 'Leadless'. For glaze preparation advice please see the main powdered glaze category header here.

Powdered glazes, once mixed with water according to the recommended guidance, are suitable for dipping, pouring or spraying onto the piece. They are not suitable for brushing-on without addition of a glaze binder such as Pehatine. If brush-application is intended, we would recommend you select one of our ready-mixed brush-on glazes instead.

Transparent glazes must be applied thinly and fired/cooled on a fast schedule to avoid ‘milkiness’ and/or crazing in the fired result.

Artistic/special effect glazes usually require a generous application to achieve the desired effect. Please note the individual product descriptions for product-specific guidance. Some special effect glazes can melt/flow considerably during firing so please take all necessary precautions, especially with regard to protecting your kiln furniture (stilting, batt wash etc.).

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